Have an update to share? Submit one to this site!

Mud Season is Here: Help Protect Fragile Trail Environments
April 16, 2019
Be wary of the return of mud season to the Green Mountains- please respect associated trail closures and advisories.

Help for Landowners through EQIP
April 13, 2019
Owning land can be hard work, and it can cost landowners a lot of money. Natural Resources Conservation Service's (NRCS) cost-share Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) can help!

Vermont Coverts 2019 Woodlands for Wildlife Cooperator Trainings Announced
March 25, 2019
Do you love woodlands? Enjoy seeing wildlife? Join us for the Coverts 3-day Woodlands for Wildlife Cooperator Training sponsored by Vermont Coverts.
Public Hearings on Deer, Moose This Spring
March 25, 2019
Hunters, landowners and anyone else interested in deer and moose should plan on attending one of the Vermont Fish & Wildlife public hearings being held this spring.

Scott And Leahy Announce New Leahy-Authored Grant Opportunity For Communities Impacted By Decline In Forestry Industry
February 10, 2019
New grant program announced to spur new economic opportunites in Vermont communities struggling to overcome the decline in the forestry industry.

Calling all young writers! Respond to this prompt on emerald ash borer!
January 29, 2019
Young Writers Project latest prompt focuses on raising awareness about emerald ash borer (EAB).

Listen to Bave Little State's Latest Episode "What are the pros and cons of heating with wood?
January 28, 2019
Checkout Brave Little State's latest episode that explores "What are the environmental and economic benefits of wood heat in Vermont?"

UVA Forest Management Activity Reports Due February 1st
January 27, 2019
Reminder to all landowners enrolled in current use- don't forget to file your Forest Management Activity Reports for any management activity in 2018.

Did you miss the 2018 Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative Conference?
January 13, 2019
Checkout videos of the plenary sessions and other talks!