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David Russell walks through 365 days on a Vermont choose-and-cut Christmas tree farm
December 22, 2018
Most of us think about a Christmas tree for a few weeks in December, here's a story from Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund about someone who thinks about them just about every day of the year.

Forest Management Underway at Hinesburg Town Forest
December 18, 2018
Learn about strategic forest management activities happening this winter on the Hinesburg Town Forest.

Emerald Ash Borer Municipal Planning Grants Available
December 17, 2018
There's still time to get in on these grants to help towns prepare for and manage the impacts of emerald ash borer (EAB).
Northeast Silviculture Institute Online is now available for landowners
December 17, 2018
Want to learn about art and science of managing forests to meet diverse needs and values? Checkout the Northeast Silviculture Institute now available online to landowners and non-foresters.

Vermont Bald Eagles Nest Successfully in 2018
December 13, 2018
Another successful year for Vermont's bald eagles with 23 known nesting pairs producing at least 33 successful young

2018 Vermont Forest Health Highlights Now Available
December 13, 2018
Checkout VT's 2018 forest health highlights.

USDA APHIS is seeking comment on proposed federal deregulation of emerald ash borer (EAB).
November 14, 2018
USDA APHIS is proposing to remove the domestic quarantine regulations for the emerald ash borer (EAB).
September Forest Health Observation Report Available
October 17, 2018
Checkout the forest health observation report for September.

EAB Detected in Grand Isle County
October 11, 2018
USDA APHIS confirmed insects collected from ash trees in South Hero, VT are larvae of the emerald ash borer.

Governor Phil Scott Announces New Vermont Outdoor Recreation Communities Grant Program
October 11, 2018
A new grant program is available to help Vermont communities use outdoor recreation opportunities to grow their local economies.