Women and Our Woods News

WOW-VT News Articles

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A Sweet Occupation: Women In Maple 

Written by Steve Hagenbush, WOW-VT Steering Committee Member

Spring Comes Earlier: Preventing Bear Interactions and the Spread of Invasives

Written by Astara Zuorski, Americorps and WOW-VT Steering Committee Member


Reflections From Women and Our Woods

Read reflections from women landowners, forest professionals and nature enthusiasts.

2024 Submissions

Firewood By Elisabeth Mazzilli, WOW member

Forgotten Apples By Elisabeth Mazzilli, WOW member

2021 Submissions

Notes from a Tree Stand By Andrea Shortsleeve, Vermont Fish and Wildlife

Holiday Wreath Season Is Upon Us! By Samantha Poratti, WOW Intern