Updates on EAB in Vermont
Emerald ash borer (EAB) has been discovered in VT. Learn how to identify EAB, how the state is responding, and what you can do to help.

Checkout VT's Parcelization Website
Get tools, resources and reports to better understand how land use change is impacting the forest in your region, county, or town.

Managing Emerald Ash Borer in Communities
Learn the steps your town can take to manage the impact of EAB.
Get Tools for Managing a Town Forests
Find resources for creating, managing, and conserving a town forest in your community.
Get Help
Connect to organizations available to provide technical, financial, and educational assistance.
Get Data and Maps
Find tools to help you understand and map your community's natural resources.

Take a Natural Resource Planning Course
Check out the Agency of Natural Resources' courses about caring for the natural resources in your community

Join the Association of Vermont Conservation Commissions
Learn about the role of conservation commissions and connect to commissions statewide.

Plan for the Future
From town forest stewardship to land use planning, you have a voice in the future of our forested landscape.