Learn about Foresters for the Birds
Checkout this innovative program from Audubon Vermont that integrates songbird habitat management and timber harvesting.

Get the latest news from Vermont Fish & Wildlife
Get updates from Vermont Fish & Wildlife delievreed right to your email inbox on seasonal information and wildlife tips.

Start Community Planning for Wildlife
Access the VT Fish & Wildlife publication Conserving Vermont's Natural Heritage, a guide to community planning for the conservation of wildlife, fish, and biological diversity across the landscape.

Connect with Vermont Fish & Wildife on Facebook
Stay connected with Vermont's wildlife by following the Department of Fish & Wildlife's facebook page.
Find Educational Programs
Find organizations that offer educational programs and trainings about wildlife.
Find Help
Explore various technical assistance programs available to support management for wildlife.
Become a Citizen Scientist
Contribute to our understanding of wildlife in Vermont by submiting your observations to the Vermont Atlas of Life.